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1. 智能型(随需应变) 根据伺服系统所需电流自动调节,输出电流不受电网电压波动的影响,使伺服电机发挥更好的性能,集灵活,智能于一体。
Flexible Intelligence Auto-adjustment based on the current required by the servo system, output current not effected by the voltage waving of the electrical mesh, which make the servo motor functioning well, combin-ing the flexibility and intelligence together.
2. 外型精巧,灵活安装盒式外型,体积小(巴掌般大小) 随意安装。
Unique Appearance, Flexible Installation Mini size like human hand with installation flexibility
3. 安全可靠质保五年,没有返修率,寿命长达二十年以上 。
Safety & Reliability With 5 years as warranty period, no any defective rate, working life as long as over 20 years
4. 贴合中国使用环境 300%至500%的过载能力,可长时间连续工作允许电压波动范围宽能有效的抑制线对线,线对地之间的干扰承受苛刻使用环境:周围空气温度-65℃至+68℃,安装海拔可达4500m 。
Adaptor to the working conditions of China Over-load capability of 300% to 500%, continuous long working time Wide allowed voltage wave range Working well under severe conditions such as temperature of -65℃ to +68℃, Installation with leveling height up to 4500m
5. 低价格较传统工频变压器便宜 。
Low Cost Cheaper than the traditional industrial frequency transformer
6. 性能优越高效率(99.8%)、高稳压、无干扰、不发热、耗电少、输出能量更稳定 。
Excellent Performance High efficiency as 99.8%, high voltage-controlled, non-interference, non-heating, low-consumption, stable energy output